Trading Alerts now available for TradingView Indicators

Trading Alerts now available for TradingView Indicators

Trading Alerts now available for TradingView Indicators 1500 1000 Minimalist Trading - Indicators for TradingView

Trading alerts for all Minimalist Trading indicators on TradingView are now available! Yes, you read it right! Real-time trade alerts have been the most requested feature over the past months and they are now a built-in feature in all our indicators currently available on TradingView.

If you cannot constantly pay attention to the price action evolution on the screen or maybe you trade a significant number of symbols and you cannot look at each one of them simultaneously then trading alerts are definitely a feature you can’t do without.

No matter whether you are Day Trading or Swing Trading, or maybe forex trading, crypto trading, stock trading, alerts will just work regardless of the timeframe and the asset they are applied to.

In fact, alerts will seamlessly work on any symbol currently available in TradingView!

Alerts on TradingView are instantaneous notifications when the price action or indicators meet your custom criteria.

For example, you will now be able to say “Alert me every time a new Bottom forms”.

You can then define what type of notification you’d like to get between a visual popup, an audio signal, an email alert, and an email-to-SMS alert.

And if you have a TradingView Premium Subscription you can additionally get a real-time server-side text message (SMS) alert, delivered directly to your phone!

Bottom Tops Signal New Bottom Alert

“A Bottom has formed” alert on TradingView

What follows is the full list of alerts that are available for Minimalist Trading indicators.

Bottoms Tops Signal

  • New Top Alert – A Top has formed
  • New Bottom Alert – A Bottom has formed
  • New Suggested Close (Top) – New Suggested Close (Top)
  • New Suggested Close (Bottom) – New Suggested Close (Bottom)

RSI Exhaustion

  • Bullish Exhausted | Begin – RSI is Bullish Exhausted
  • Bullish Exhausted | End – Bullish Exhaustion has ended
  • Bearish Exhausted | Begin – RSI is Bearish Exhausted
  • Bearish Exhausted | End – Bearish Exhaustion has ended

Advanced Signal Bars

  • New Bull Signal Candle – A new Bull Signal Candle has formed
  • New Bear Signal Candle – A new Bear Signal Candle has formed
  • Bullish Breakup – Price just broke up a Bear Signal Line
  • Bearish Breakdown – Price just broke down a Bull Signal Line

Breakout Pivotal Bars

  • New Bull Bar – Bars have turned bullish
  • New Bear Bar – Bars have turned bearish
  • New Indecision Bar – New indecision bar: pay closer attention!

Divergence Indicators

  • Divergence Begin – Price and [MACD | RSI | Stochastic] are diverging
  • Divergence End – Price and [MACD | RSI | Stochastic] are NOT diverging

Levels and Zones

  • New Support Level – A New Support Level was identified
  • New Resistance Level – A New Resistance Level was identified

Sentiment Index

  • Bullish Sentiment – Sentiment has turned bullish
  • Bearish Sentiment – Sentiment has turned bearish

For each indicator, you can then set even more complex alerts. For instance, do you want to know when the price is approaching a resistance? Easy done! Just set an alert for the Levels and Zones saying that you want to be notified every time price enters in a channel delimited by a resistance’s sell area (red area in the screenshot below) as lower bound and a resistance’s buy area (green area in the screenshot below) as upper bound.

Alert Setup Levels and Zones

“Price entering in channel” alert on TradingView

If you are an existing subscriber to any of our indicators on TradingView, just open the Create Alert menu and start building your very own notifications!