Trading indicators
for traders of all levels

Extensive market validation

Since many years Minimalist Trading Indicators support traders of all levels to tune into the market and spot the most profitable opportunities. They were originally available on different platforms but since 2016 they are exclusive to TradingView because it’s the most advanced and easy-to-use charting and trading platform.

Featured on TradingView

Minimalist Trading indicators have been selected and featured in the official TradingView Marketplace for several years along with a very restricted number of other high-quality paid indicators. Since 2019, when TradingView discontinued its official Marketplace, Minimalist Trading Indicators are directly available through our website with a no-risk free trial.

Simple yet so powerful

We believe in simplicity – that’s why “Minimalist” Trading. Markets are simple but we, as traders, tend to overcomplicate things. Since many years, Minimalist Trading Indicators allow traders of all levels to make accurate market analyses by working in real-time across different assets and timeframes so, regardless of what the market does, you can always be in control of your trading.