Live trading

Watch this High Probability Trade

Watch this High Probability Trade 300 169 Minimalist Trading - Indicators for TradingView

A High Probability Trade is the one that you can never miss.

Why so critical?

Because it is the type of Low-Risk High-Return trade that will help you increase your Trading account considerably.

The good news?

High Probability Trades are very easy to identify when you use the right trading indicators.

In fact, you can easily learn How to Identify a High Probability Trade by re-watching the live trade below.

By combining some of our best TradingView indicators (Bottoms Tops Signal, RSI Exhaustion, Levels and Zones) we were able to clearly identify the trade opportunity.

Trade setup – 21 May 2020

Watch this high probability trade Setup 1

This buy setup is very clear and simple. In particular:

    1. There’s a divergence between the price, which is moving down, and the RSI Exhaustion, which is moving up
    2. The RSI Exhaustion is bearish exhausted (colored red), which means that the price doesn’t have too much room to move any lower
    3. We have a confirmed bottom

Moreover, what makes this an even better high probability trade, is the fact that all these three conditions are verified just above a major support level, displayed by the Levels and Zones indicator.

The major support level should now create a significant upward pressure, which will play in our favor.

Trade update – 21 May 2020

Watch this high probability trade Setup 2

As expected, the price is moving higher.

Trade closed – 21 May 2020

Watch this high probability trade Setup 3

The price made a couple of retests but then hit the Trading Target rather easily.

We closed the trade with a 2.45x profit.

To be honest, it’s not exceptional considering our average return with similar forex setups, but it’s still extremely profitable.

In fact, if you can get a similar profit on a consistent basis, then you’re on the right path to becoming a Full-Time forex trader.

What do you think of this High Probability Trade setup?

Do you trade similar setups or do you have a totally different trading strategy?

You can share your experience with fellow traders by leaving a comment on the YouTube video above.

Recognize the double top and trade the double bottom Thumbnail@300w

Recognize a Double Top (and Trade a Double Bottom pattern)

Recognize a Double Top (and Trade a Double Bottom pattern) 300 169 Minimalist Trading - Indicators for TradingView

When an experienced trader sees a Double Bottom pattern, he knows that it’s a strong indication of nice profits ahead.

At least, most of the time.

But when the Market offers a Double Bottoms pattern, immediately following a recent Double Top pattern it’s even better!

Why is it better?

Because it means that the Market is moving with nice and predictable movements and so you can profit from it!

Today we have this situation on our TradingView chart.

In fact, in the live trade discussed below, you can learn How to identify a Double Bottom pattern and How to Make Money with it.

Trade setup – 15 May 2020

Recognize the double top and trade the double bottom Setup 1

We have a buy setup which is confirmed because:

    1. There’s a significant divergence between the price, which is falling, and the RSI Exhaustion, which is increasing
    2. The RSI Exhaustion is bearish exhausted (colored red), which means that the price doesn’t have too much room to move lower
    3. We have a confirmed bottom (displayed by the Bottoms Tops Signal)

We set the Stop-Loss below the two bottoms’ lowest price while to set the Trading Target we exploit the Levels and Zones indicator.

Trade update – 18 May 2020

Recognize the double top and trade the double bottom Setup 2

The price has moved higher quite significantly and has just formed a top.

Moreover, the RSI Exhaustion is both overbought and bullish exhausted.

To call this a major top is exaggerated, but we must play it safely so, since we are now above a major support, we moved the Stop-Loss to Breakeven.

Now we’re in a Risk-Free Trade and so, in the worst-case scenario, we won’t lose any money.

Trade update – 18 May 2020

Recognize the double top and trade the double bottom Setup 3

Now the trade is a bit compromised because a technically valid short setup has formed.

Actually, the trend line that we are able to draw on the RSI Exhaustion is a bit too steep but the short setup is still valid.

That said, we are on the buy-side of this trade and our initial analysis was 100% correct.

Moreover, the price is still above a major support which was just retested and prevented the price from falling lower.

And lastly, we’re at breakeven, which we actually moved a bit higher, just below the major support level.

Let’s see if this Short Selling setup creates any trouble towards reaching our Target.

Trade closed – 18 May 2020

Recognize the double top and trade the double bottom Setup 4

The price initially tried to move lower but then it became a very quicky rise up until the target.

In the end, we got a more than 4x profit, which was possible because we’ve been able to clearly identify a Double Bottom pattern.

Do you usually trade Trend Reversal opportunities like the ones offered by a Double Bottom or a Double Top?

Feel free to share your experiences by leaving your comment on the YouTube video above.

How to trade with the Sentiment Index Thumbnail@300w

How to Use a Sentiment Indicator (Trading with the Sentiment Index)

How to Use a Sentiment Indicator (Trading with the Sentiment Index) 300 169 Minimalist Trading - Indicators for TradingView

Having a Sentiment Indicator that can tell us the Market Sentiment can be very convenient.

To this purpose, we’ve developed the Sentiment Index which is a professional sentiment indicator for TradingView.

By constantly reading the market, the Sentiment Index supports even beginner traders in being profitable.


It’s simple! By revealing in Real-Time the actual Sentiment of the market.

Over the years our Sentiment Indicator has been refined and has grown in popularity on TradingView.

Its secret?

Not only it’s among the most reliable sentiment indicators ever developed.

But it’s also easily combinable with the other indicators that you are currently using.

In the live trade that you find below, you can see exactly this.

Moreover, you can easily understand how a Sentiment Indicator helps you to identify the best Trading opportunities.

Trade setup – 16 Apr 2020

How to trade with the Sentiment Index Setup 1

We might soon get a very nice buy setup since we have a clear impulse, followed by a consolidation that it’s taking place.

Let’s wait and see.

Trade update – 16 Apr 2020

How to trade with the Sentiment Index Setup 2

The buy setup on this crypto chart is confirmed because:

    1. The price broke up the consolidation that we identified and draw
    2. The breakup candle is green (colored by the Breakout Pivotal Bars)
    3. The bullish Sentiment Index broke up as well, on the same candle

This means that the market participants are getting bullish on crypto and the price movement is confirming such buying pressure.

We set the stop loss a bit lower than the breakup candle, and we set the trading target by projecting the first impulse to the upside.

Trade update – 16 Apr 2020

How to trade with the Sentiment Index Setup 3

The price is moving extremely impulsively to the upside and so we moved the target a bit higher, right where the resistance level is currently at.

We know from past experience that these major levels displayed by the Levels and Zones, get tested multiple times by the price action.

Considering the recent impulsive movement, it becomes very likely that the price will move all the way up there.

As you can see in this trade, it already happened in the past that we moved the Target and closed a profitable trade.

Trade closed – 16 Apr 2020

How to trade with the Sentiment Index Setup 4

We reached the target and closed another winning trade within just another candle.

In the end, the price went all the way up and passed our new Trading Target and we ultimately earned a 3.64x profit.

Without the Sentiment Index that acted as the initial trigger to open the trade, we wouldn’t be able to make this profit.

Do you rely on a Sentiment Indicator to open and manage your trades?

Or do you just trade without knowing the sentiment of the other market participants?

We’d love to hear from you so let us know by commenting on the YouTube video above!

Trading for Beginners (Avoid this stupid Mistake)

Trading for Beginners (Avoid this stupid Mistake) 300 169 Minimalist Trading - Indicators for TradingView

It’s no secret that Trading for Beginners is often perceived as difficult and risky.

There are many “Trading for Beginners” courses but, most of the time, they teach you the theory…

…and then you fail in the real Market.

The good news?

You can learn many Trading for Beginner secrets for Free by watching actual live trades.

In the live trade on our TradingView chart (you can re-watch it below), you can learn How to Avoid one of the most common Trading mistakes.

Trade setup – 7 May 2020

Many noobs got scared in this simple trade Setup 1

We have a clear Short Selling setup on GBPUSD.

In particular, the following three conditions are all met:

    1. The price breaks down the consolidation that we identified and marked with the blue trend lines
    2. The breakdown candle is red (colored by the Breakout Pivotal Bars)
    3. The bearish Sentiment Index breaks down as well its trend line, on the same candle

These three conditions put together, form a very High Probability Trade and so we open it.

The Trading Target is going to be where the projection to the downside of the first impulse ends.

The Stop-Loss, instead, is a bit into the consolidation so that we are enough protected should the Price Action decide to increase.

Trade update – 7 May 2020

Many noobs got scared in this simple trade Setup 2

The Price Action moved down significantly, about halfway into our Trading Target, and then it is retracing within a few candles.

This is the typical situation where beginners traders get scared.

The reason?

Because they see the Price Action moving against them and potentially enter into their Stop-Loss area (like in this case).

So they start to get emotional and make impulsive decisions.

We, instead, stay rational and accept the fact that the Price Action can do whatever it wants, whenever it wants.

Our initial Technical Analysis is correct, and so we just stick to the evidence.

Moreover, the experience tells us that, once similar setups form, there is a very high chance that they ultimately reach the Take-Profit level.

What happens in between, and how long it’s gonna take, is simply something beyond our control and we must accept it without letting emotions take control.

Trade closed – 7 May 2020

Many noobs got scared in this simple trade Setup 3

After that retracement, the Price Action went down and reached the Trading Target.

As we expected, we ended up closing another profitable trade with a 2x profit.

It’s not exceptional but using our Trading Strategy is very achievable and consistent.

However, one thing happened that is worth mentioning.

Many beginners traders got scared in this simple trade.


Simply because the price was moving against them!

The best “Trading for Beginners” secret that you should learn is to never get emotional!

It sounds simple, but it’s rather hard.

Have you ever make stupid Trading mistakes in the past?

Share your experiences with fellow traders by leaving your comment on the YouTube video above.

Forex Trading: How to get a 9x profit

Forex Trading: How to get a 9x profit 300 169 Minimalist Trading - Indicators for TradingView

They say that many traders fail at Forex Trading.

We say that many traders ultimately succeed at Forex Trading, and it’s not difficult as they want you to believe.

Of course, you need to learn, be determined, and probably, you will make some stupid mistakes initially.

But once you learn how to trade forex, you will earn big profits like the one that we were able to achieve today.

The secret?

Identify some good trading indicators and then develop a Forex Trading Strategy around them.

Don’t know where to start?

Watch our live trade below!

You can see our forex indicators for TradingView in action.

Moreover, you can learn step-by-step our Trading Strategy so that you can learn how to Trade Forex yourself.

Trade setup – 19 Feb 2020

How you can get a 9x profit Setup 1

The price has kept moving lower for a prolonged period of time (almost 20 days) at a very constant and sustained pace.

This alone indicates that we should get an uptrend, or at least a retracement, soon.

Moreover, once we add some of our best TradingView indicators on the chart we quickly realize that we might have a very great opportunity.

At least, we have a setup because:

    1. There is a significant divergence between the price, which is falling, and the RSI Exhaustion, which is rising
    2. The RSI Exhaustion is bearish exhausted, which means that the price doesn’t have much room to move any lower
    3. We have a confirmed bottom (displayed by the Bottoms Tops Signal)

Since these three key conditions are met, we open our trade by setting the stop loss a bit lower than the most recent lowest price level.

The Trading Target is instead all the way up to where the current downtrend started.

Why so high?

Because a similar downward movement is not sustainable and, if we expect the price to move higher, then it is very likely that it will come, at least, all the way up to where it started.

Trade update – 21 Feb 2020

How you can get a 9x profit Setup 2

The price is moving sideways, which is actually a good sign because it means that it has stopped falling.

Moreover, the RSI Exhaustion is rising like crazy which indicates that the price should rise as well anytime soon.

Trade update – 26 Feb 2020

How you can get a 9x profit Setup 3

The price moved higher. It has just formed a top, but if we look better, we see that the RSI Exhaustion is forming a very bullish pattern so we just stay into the trade and wait for the price to move even higher.

Trade update – 28 Feb 2020

How you can get a 9x profit Setup 4

The price is just skyrocketing… we predicted the up movement and it’s taking place.

The up movement also gave us the opportunity to move the stop loss to breakeven so that, if the price comes back down, we’ll still close the trade with a very nice profit.

Trade closed – 2 Mar 2020

How you can get a 9x profit Setup 5

We kept it simple, we trade it safely and we reached this amazing target!

The price accelerated as this forex trade evolved and we ultimately got a 9x profit!

How amazing is that?

This trade is the perfect demonstration of how it’s possible to get a 9x profit by making a clear and simple analysis.

If you’re looking for a way on how to make money in forex, then you might want to check out this very profitable forex strategy.

We’ve been using this strategy for many years and it proved to be extremely reliable (and profitable!) once again.

What is the maximum return that you were able to achieve so far?

Let us know and share it with fellow traders by leaving a comment on the YouTube video above!

Trading psychology patience always pays off Thumbnail@300w

TRADING MINDSET: Patience always pays off

TRADING MINDSET: Patience always pays off 300 169 Minimalist Trading - Indicators for TradingView

Successful trading starts with a good Trading Mindset.

First, the bad news.

Believe it or not, Trading Mindset is not something someone can teach you.

In fact, a strong Trading Mindset is something that you must develop yourself.

Luckily, it easier than it sounds.

By looking at Full-Time traders, you can learn so many tips on how to avoid Trading mistakes.

In today’s live trade on our TradingView chart we have the opportunity to discuss Trading Mindset.

And in particular, you can learn why patience is an essential skill in Trading Psychology.

Trade setup – 8 Jan 2020

Trading psychology patience always pays off Setup 1

The setup on today’s TradingView is very clear and we traded it many times in the past.

The three conditions that we always check in this case and which are verified here are:

    1. Two bottoms (displayed by the Bottoms Tops Signal) with the most recent being the highest
    2. The RSI Exhaustion moving higher, just like the price
    3. The RSI Exhaustion being bearish exhausted (colored red)

All three conditions are met and so we have a very high probability setup.

The only concerning thing that emerges from the analysis is that the Levels and Zones indicates a major resistance about halfway into our Trading Target.

Trade update – 8 Jan 2020

Trading psychology patience always pays off Setup 2

The price moved higher rapidly and already broke the resistance to the upside, thus turning it into a support.

This allowed us to move the stop loss to breakeven and so, now, we are in a risk-free trade.

Trade update – 9 Jan 2020

Trading psychology patience always pays off Setup 3

The trade setup got compromised since we now have a sell setup.

The double top and the decreasing RSI Exhaustion suggest that the price might move lower from the current level.

We have three options here:

    1. Close the trade and take the profit (very safe)
    2. Close the trade, take the profit and open a short trade (very aggressive, since we are above a major support)
    3. Keep the trade open but trading it safely

We choose the last option for a few reasons.

First of all, because our initial setup was excellent and we know from past experience that, once a similar setup appears, the chances that it eventually reaches the target are very high.

Second, because as explained above, the price is now trading above a major support which should put a lot of upward pressure.

In this regard, it should help us reach the Trading Target or, at least, it will prevent the price from falling lower.

Lastly, because we are already at breakeven so, in the worst-case scenario, we will be making money!

Trade update – 9 Jan 2020

Trading psychology patience always pays off Setup 4

The price has moved all the way down to the support level but, as expected, it is preventing it from falling lower.

Trade update – 10 Jan 2020

Trading psychology patience always pays off Setup 5

We just got another short setup just like the one that we had before, but this is weaker.

The support that helped us before, should help us once again should the price want to go down again.

We’re wondering how many beginner traders are getting frustrated by this long trade.

What we do here, instead, is that we avoid getting emotional and stick to the technical evidence.

The price formed some concerning short configurations but, so far, they are failing to move the price significantly lower.

This allows us to say that we should ultimately close the trade with a nice profit.

Trade closed – 10 Jan 2020

Trading psychology patience always pays off Setup 6

And we got our 4x profit by reaching the Trading Target.

How amazing is that?

It’s incredible to see how patience always pays off.

If you want to learn how to make money on foreign exchange, then this trade was definitely for you.


Because the initial setup and the technical analysis that we made on the forex chart were absolutely perfect.

Moreover, our easy forex strategy worked perfectly as well.

However, many beginners could have made many forex mistakes in this trade.

In fact, it required a strong Trading Mindset and the biggest lesson that we can learn here is that patience always pays off!

In this case, it was a 4x pay off.

How focused you are during your trades?

Do you feel that you have a strong Trading Mindset or sometimes you make silly trading mistakes?

Feel free to share your experiences with fellow traders by leaving a comment on the YouTube video above!

A Trade Setup that appeared 3 Times (Within a Few Days)

A Trade Setup that appeared 3 Times (Within a Few Days) 300 169 Minimalist Trading - Indicators for TradingView

The most recent price action offered not a single Trade Setup, but three almost identical Highest Probability Trading Setups.

And guess what?

As soon as we saw this recurring trend reversal pattern, we exploited it by opening a profitable trade that we discuss below.

By re-watching below the live trade that we took on TradingView, you can learn an easy Trade Setup that appears each day on any asset and timeframe.

In fact, we use this Trade Setup since many years and it has been extremely profitable in the long-run.

Trade setup – 24 Mar 2020

3 similar setups within a few days Setup 1

We have a nice trading opportunity on this USDCAD TradingView chart and it’s the third valid setup within a few days on this pair!

The setup is valid because:

    1. There’s a divergence between the price, which is pretty much flat, and the RSI Exhaustion which is falling significantly
    2. The RSI Exhaustion is bullish exhausted, which means that the price doesn’t have too much room to move any higher
    3. We have a confirmed top (displayed by the Bottoms Tops Signal)

We set the Stop Loss a bit higher than the most recent highest price.

And we set the Trading Target all the way down to the major support level displayed by the Levels and Zones.

Why do we set the Trading Target there?

Because we know from past experience that the Price Action likes to test multiple times these major support and resistance levels.

So, if we expect the Price to fall, then there is a very high chance that it will, at least, touch the support level at the bottom.

Trade update – 24 Mar 2020

3 similar setups within a few days Setup 2

After some time, the price is now moving lower.

Trade update – 25 Mar 2020

3 similar setups within a few days Setup 3

The price is now even lower, and it has formed a bottom.

However, such bottom is not sustained by any technical evidence so it should definitely not be a concerning bottom.

Trade update – 25 Mar 2020

3 similar setups within a few days Setup 4

The price just keeps moving down.

Trade closed – 25 Mar 2020

3 similar setups within a few days Setup 5

Target reached!

The price eventually moved significantly lower allowing us to close a winning trade for a total profit of 2.7x.

Not bad considering this Forex pair offered not one Trade Setup, but three very similar Highest Probability Trading Setups within a few days.

It’s the perfect demonstration that if you wanna trade the market tomorrow or any other day of the week, the Market will always be there offering great opportunities.

It comes down to us, full-time traders, to exploit them with a clear Trade Setup, just like the trend reversal setup that we used here.

Do you have a Trade Setup that consistently works?

Or maybe do you switch between multiple profitable trading setups depending on the specific situation?

Share your experience with fellow traders by commenting on the YouTube video above!

RSI Divergence Trading Strategy (LIVE Forex Trade)

RSI Divergence Trading Strategy (LIVE Forex Trade) 2560 1440 Minimalist Trading - Indicators for TradingView

Do you know how to read and interpret RSI Divergence correctly?

Because RSI Divergence is the most important among all types of divergence that you can find in trading.

If you don’t know how to read that or you feel that you need to learn more about it, then you are in the right place.

In fact, in the following live trade on the TradingView platform, you can easily learn how to exploit RSI Divergence!

Not only we explain how to use divergence indicators but you can also learn our complete trading strategy, which we explain step-by-step.

From a technical point of view, the setup is very simple and clear:

First of all, we have a divergence between the price and the RSI Exhaustion.

Additionally, we have the RSI bullish exhausted.

And finally, we also have a confirmed top (displayed by the Bottoms Tops Signal).

Trade setup – 15 Apr 2019

See the power of divergence Setup 1

The setup is clear and simple, and all our conditions are met.

The Bottoms Tops Signal and the RSI Exhaustion are confirming another downward movement and we exploit the major support indicated by the Levels and Zones to set the take profit level.

Trade update – 16 Apr 2019

See the power of divergence Setup 2

Both the price and the RSI Exhaustion are moving lower so we should expect to keep going down.

Trade update – 16 Apr 2019

See the power of divergence Setup 3

The trade is running smoothly, both the price and the RSI Exhaustion keep moving lower.

Because of this, we were able to move our stop loss to breakeven, so now we are in a risk-free trade.

If the price suddenly comes back up we’ll still make money or, at least, we will not lose any money.

Trade update – 17 Apr 2019

See the power of divergence Setup 4

It looks like the downward movement has decelerated and a bottom has formed.

The bottom has not any supporting technical evidence for it being a major bottom so we can ignore it.

The fact that the downward movement has decelerated is due to the fact that we’re approaching the support level (our target) which puts upward pressure on the price action.

It’s not concerning, though, because the initial technical analysis is still totally intact.

Trade closed – 18 Apr 2019

See the power of divergence Setup 5

It took some time but eventually, the price went down and reached the target.

If you are learning how to make money on foreign exchange or, at least, you want to learn an easy forex strategy, you should definitely understand the power of RSI divergence.

In fact, we exploited it in this trading setup and, in the end, we made a 2.68x profit.

And once you understand how powerful trading divergence is, you will be able to take advantage of it, be it bearish divergence or bullish divergence.

What do you think about divergence?

Do you usually take advantage of it, like we typically do here?

Feel free to contribute to our knowledge and leave your feedback in the comment section of the YouTube video above.

Four identical breakouts during a bitcoin uptrend Thumbnail@300w

See how High Probability Trading works (4 identical Breakouts)

See how High Probability Trading works (4 identical Breakouts) 300 169 Minimalist Trading - Indicators for TradingView

One reason why Professional traders are successful is that because they’ve developed a High Probability Trading strategy which they can exploit over and over.

In fact, if you have a High Probability Trading setup you’ll be able to constantly apply the same setup and win most of your trades.

In the live trade below, you can see a High Probability Trading setup that occurs every single day on any Asset and Timeframe.

So whether you trade Forex, Stocks, Crypto (like in this case), Futures, Indices, or more, we’re sure you’ll be able to replicate the same setup.

Why are we this sure?

Because we use it ourselves on multiple assets (mostly Forex and Stocks) and many traders on TradingView use it since many years.

So where to start?

By looking at the Price Action and what happened to the market Sentiment Index (at the bottom of the chart) in the last few days we identify 3 Profitable Setups identical to the one that we’re looking at today.

In particular, today we want the Price Action to break-up the consolidation with a green candle (colored by the Breakout Pivotal Bars)

And we also need the Sentiment Index down at the bottom, to break-up as well at the same time.

Trade setup – 13 May 2020

Four identical breakouts during a bitcoin uptrend Setup 1

It looks like we might get another impulse in a series of very profitable combinations of impulse-consolidation-impulse.

These setups are usually very profitable because, once they form, there’s a high chance that they reach their target.

In fact, these are very well-know and popular High Probability Trading setups.

Let’s see if we get another one here.

Trade update – 13 May 2020

Four identical breakouts during a bitcoin uptrend Setup 2

The setup has formed and it is valid because:

    1. The price broke up the consolidation that we identified by drawing the blue trendlines
    2. The breakup candle is green (colored by the Breakout Pivotal Bars)
    3. The bullish Sentiment Index broke up its trendline as well

Setting the Take Profit is very simple.

We take the length of the previous impulse and we project it to the upside by starting from the bottom of the current consolidation.

The Stop Loss, instead, is a level at least a bit lower than the breakup candle.

But, if you want to be extremely conservative, you should place it below the current consolidation.

Trade closed – 13 May 2020

Four identical breakouts during a bitcoin uptrend Setup 3

The price just moved higher and within a few candles, it reached our Trading Target.

It’s no surprise that our High Probability Trading strategy worked once again. 

This time, it allowed us to get a 2.8x profit on the last trade opportunity.

The hard work was done by some of the Best TradingView indicators available on the market which allowed us to identify and confirm the opportunity.

Our work has been to enjoy the trade and maintain the correct Trading Mindset.

What about your setups? Are they High Probability Trading setups?

Let us know by commenting on the YouTube video above.

How you can trade these bottoms Thumbnail@300w

How to Trade a Trend Reversal (with Bottoms Tops Signal)

How to Trade a Trend Reversal (with Bottoms Tops Signal) 300 169 Minimalist Trading - Indicators for TradingView

Catching a Trend Reversal is a guarantee of a huge profit because the Market will make a major movement in the new direction.

But it’s not easy, right?

But what if, with the right Trading Indicators and the right Trend Reversal Strategy, it comes easy?

In fact, by re-watching the following live trade, you have the opportunity to learn How to easily Identify and Trade a Trend Reversal.

Our Trend Reversal indicators clearly show on the TradingView chart that we have a big trade opportunity to the upside.

We begin with the Bottoms Tops Signal, which is the single Best Trend Reversal Indicator.

And then we combined it with the RSI Exhaustion, so that understanding How to identify a Trend Reversal becomes very simple.

In fact, these TradingView indicators clearly show that the Market is forming Bottoms and the downward movement is not sustainable.

Without using such indicators, it would be almost impossible to identify this Trading opportunity.

Trade setup – 6 May 2020

How you can trade these bottoms Setup 1

The pair is in a downtrend but the combination of our trading indicators clearly shows a buy setup.

In particular, without the Bottoms Tops Signal and the RSI Exhaustion it would be technically impossible to spot this trading opportunity.

The buy setup is confirmed because:

    1. There’s a divergence between the price, which goes down, and the RSI Exhaustion, which goes up
    2. The RSI Exhaustion is bearish exhausted, meaning that the price doesn’t have too much room to move any lower
    3. We have a confirmed bottom

We set the Stop-Loss to be a bit below the most recent lowest price, and the Take-Profit to be at a level where we identify some structure.

Trade update – 6 May 2020

How you can trade these bottoms Setup 2

The current Price Action doesn’t seem to be a problem because it looks like a retest.

In particular, if we extend the RSI Exhaustion trend line, we can see that it has fallen about there, which means that it’s a retest.

Of course, should the RSI Exhaustion fall further, then it might become a problem.

Trade update – 7 May 2020

How you can trade these bottoms Setup 3

As anticipated, the price made a retest, actually two, but the RSI Exhaustion never fell below its trendline.

Now the price is rising significantly.

Trade closed – 7 May 2020

How you can trade these bottoms Setup 4

Target reached without any major issue.

The Bottoms Tops Signal and the RSI Exhaustion have been key indicators in this trade.

We can say that we used a very profitable Trend Reversal trading strategy because we’ve earned an almost 4x profit with these two TradingView indicators.

Moreover, the Technical Analysis and the information given by these Trend Reversal indicators during the trade, suggested that we shouldn’t close the Trade even if the Price Action was moving against us.

Thanks to all this, we were able to stay true to our profitable Trading Strategy.

As you might guess, we like catching and trading major Trend Reversal opportunities.

And you?

Do you like trading Trend Reversals or do you prefer Trend Continuations and Breakout trading?

We’d like to hear from you so feel free to add your comment on the YouTube video above.